Hypocritical Beings

          I talked about Being Judged in one of my articles, and today's societal problem is actually not too different  from it. Being judgmental is passing out judgment or voicing an opinion on others about what they should do, wear or how to live their lives. A hypocrite judges someone and still engages in those same actions or thought either secretly or publicly, majority of US engage consciously in such  actions and are still quick to crucify others.

       This actions of hasty judgement has become a norm among Nigerians and people show no remorse or concern about such issue, despite the fact that Nigeria is one of the most Religious country in Africa, this is where Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion (ATR) exist in large majority and Hinduism, Buddhism and others exist in small group, but our actions and morals negate the doctrine and practices of Religion. Some of us from this part of the world are hypocrites, we magnify our actions and judge other people for theirs. This new construct of livelihood constitute a form of social problem in the way people see and relate with individuals and institutions. It has become particularly problematic in the way in which it is routinized and normalized into daily activities provoking reference to failed cities and city chaos.               

      In light of the plethora of challenges that our actions and in-actions present, it is imperative for Us to stand up and seek the root of  our problem, we desperately crave for a "Positive Change"  from the  related social institutions ( Politic, Schools, Hospital, Religion and Economy) and are quick to condemn when they fail, but undermine the factors like families, individuals and the goals they seek in terms of  aspiration personality, powers that come together to constitute such actions "Government". We complain about the Governments actions and in-actions such as; corruption, embezzlement, exploitation, poor welfare,  nepotism, favoritism, looting of public funds and so on. but are too quick to forget the actions of individuals like Us and how they  have Mal the growth and development of the society at the other end of the scale.   The fact is we are NO SAINTS FROM THESE ACTS, it amazes me  sometimes how we  sit and judge,  and justify our own actions in the name of Survival, thereby pretending to be righteous.

   In Nigeria we complain about the governments exploitation, hurling vituperative words at the governments for being corrupt and how they put up laws (income, security, housing, health infrastructure and so on) that are profitable for themselves, and on the other hand we the individuals at the lower scale of the society carry out such actions by using the status or role which they occupy to exploit people. For example; the high-rise in the exchange rate of dollar has created an avenue for traders to exploit other members of the society, although the cost of dollar has lead to an increase in the cost of some commodities, but the rate at which some traders magnify the increase in commodities only prove how far they will exploit people if given the chance. Also, the issue of discrimination among people in terms of career opportunity, many people tend undermine or segregate themselves from people that are concentrated in the informal sectors,  considering themselves superior to others,  as a result of these people from the informal sector are not given the opportunity to contribute or make decision that will better their lives. This ineptitude characterize every aspect of Nigeria sociopolitical organization
          In light of the many challenges that present itself in our country, there is need for us for us to consider our actions and in actions, because many of the problem we face at the societal level are constituted at the individual level, example; Human greed to steal or divert public fund maybe to satisfy one need for wealth  have a devastating effect on the lives of many people in the society, so also the need to steal or rob an individual, in other to satisfy the lost for materialism may create fear and insecurity in the heart of members of the society. As the  STRUCTURAL-  FUNCTIONALIST posit society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Therefore sentimental judgement does not make Us Saint neither does it confer Us with strong morals and Solidarity, but rather our actions and in-actions are what constitute societal growth and up-liftment.

        People tell you the best way to live your life and the kind of people you should be in sexual relationships with. Most people are against Homosexual acts and they see their relationship with the opposite sex has the  perfect way and righteous way. Forgetting that Man cant judged but GOD only. Am sure we have all heard of divorce and murdering ones spouse, we have read it in the news or watched it on TV. If they are so perfect why do these things happen to those marriages and relationships. I am of the philosophy that we should all be free to live our lives the way we want as long as it does not the anyone. Why should i be part of something that takes someones happiness away when  i also wish to be happy.



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