
Showing posts from March 11, 2017


   Judgement is an opinion or decision based on thoughts,  feelings and evidence "within the first seven seconds of meeting someone,  our brain makes you different  decision,  about them including their intelligence, socioeconimic status, education, competence and trustworthiness, " said corporate image consultant and personal braind strategist Anna Hinson.      It's so easy to pass out judgement on other people and most times we expect not to be judged. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Judgement can be positive  or negative,  everyone has a philosophy  or a certain way they feel one should live his/her life.  How you deal with this judgement is up to you.       One thing is you can't satisfy everyone just do what is right and make sure you are happy. Judging only becomes a problem when we make unnecessary,  hurtful or unfair judgment based on little evidence.  People will always que...